"Be careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise—making the most of every opportunity..."
Ephesians 5:15,16
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin
“Time’s a-wastin,’ Loweezy!”
Snuffy Smith comic strip
Inspiration abounds from countless sources to nudge us toward accountability for our time. I have as much and as little as anyone else, but have not found time to write and reflect in recent months. I am hoping to pick back up the pen, as it were, and enjoy more time at this journal, unless discernment calls for a different use of time.
2014...New beginnings...and I am keenly treasuring the memories of old friends through the years. That is where I've been lately in remembering and reconnecting.
Whether you know it or not, you've enriched my life, all of you who have passed through. Some have left an indelible mark, an imprint no one else can make. Faces crowd in even now as though someone turned upside down a box of worn Kodak photos, scattering memories across the table. With a little time, I'll pick them up and remember and smile. My desire is to let you know.
So I find myself with a bit of solitude where the water meets the sky and am inspired to balance a windy January day with the warmth of a grateful heart.
The morning began with sand untouched except for the wind: sculpted in soft mounds like snowy seven-minute icing peaks on a birthday cake.
By day's end, footprints show who's been there. My life is like that, it occurs to me, and yours. Some day I'll have the time to dig deeper here. I hope. But for now, I am content to remember and give thanks.
(Clock from Ann Voskamp's kitchen; originally posted on www.aholyexperience.com, to which I eagerly direct friends for her wisdom and insights that far exceed my own.)