But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all
then peace-loving,
full of mercy,
and good fruit,
and sincere.
From James 3:17
Do these qualities punctuate our conversations and relationships? Are we living lives that exhibit wisdom, or are we merely wise in our own eyes? People have always been content to do what was right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6). "That's just the way I am," we say to justify behavior or attitudes.
Are we lovers of peace or promoters of conflict?
Do we habitually exhibit consideration for others, submission and mercy in our dealings with others--especially those with whom we live?
What is the fruit we bear? If we are known by our fruit, or by the company we keep, what does that say about us?
Do we stir up dissention to further an agenda in our partiality, or are we impartial? And what does that mean anyway--to be impartial with regard to wisdom?
Just a few questions that come to mind as I read that passage today. I'll be thinking about wisdom. May God inspire our reading and understanding and give us grace to change when we need to grow toward Christ-likeness.
Dandelion photo copyright by Rob Kiser. Used with permission.