Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dream Again and Deeper

"For broken dreams, the cure is dream again...and deeper."  ~ C.S. Lewis

Some would tell us that dreaming is idle; dreaming is wasting time.

"Stop daydreaming," we hear from a distant classroom memory as the teacher scolded disengaged students. Yet, dreaming has a hallowed place among the mature and serious just the same. Dreaming  generates within us a quickness, a lightness of spirit in spite of age or infirmity. There can be an invisible quality to dreaming that greatly enhances our days.

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on..." Shakespeare wrote on The Tempest.

Never stop dreaming.

Wake up a tired dream. Dust off an old one. Seek a fresh vision for this present season of life and pray for an ability to imagine our lives invigorated by a dream. Let it bubble up. Watch it intersect our lives from unexpected places. Seek it diligently. Prepare to see something new, and give thanks.

Never stop dreaming.

Nunquam subsisto somniare

Jamais arrêter de rêver

Mai smettere di sognare

никогда не прекращайте мечтать

Anyway you say it, the key is to keep a dream alive.

Stay plugged into a source that feeds us with life-giving energy when much of the world around us would drain us and leave us aching for more. More stuff. More time. More money. More influence. More and enough to stockpile, if we could, but we cannot. Time is like manna: we only have enough for this day to use wisely.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5

 photo credit: Prentice Stabler

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