"This urban legend is false, although Twinkies can last a relatively long time (25 days or more) because they are made without unstabilized dairy products and thus spoil more slowly than most bakery items. In reality Twinkies are on the shelf for a short time, a company executive told the New York Times in 2000 that the "Twinkie is on the shelf no more than 7 to 10 days," Wikipedia reports.
Now the iconic Twinkie is in the news again with Hostess' business reorganization, and its future may be in jeopardy. Can it survive the present economy?
Likewise, I have it on reliable authority that Pringles chips will float on the water when tossed from a canoe and not become soggy and sink, waterlogged. Ever. Or almost forever.
What is in this stuff?
We are shaped by what goes inside us as well as what covers us.
FEED on things of substance.
NURTURE one another in that which will sustain life and offer food for the journey.
A junk food diet will play out when real life hits, and we will not have the essentials needed for coping with all that life is sure to present to us.
COVER with prayer our own frailties as we seek wisdom and the courage to change where needed.
CHOOSE TO LOVE as a way of life.
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. ~ I Peter 4:8
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