Sometimes we find ourselves in a bit over our head.
Under water.
Sink or swim time.
We wonder if we are at the end of our resources.
It keeps happening through our life stages. Can we make it through successfully? Can we trust ourselves or others to get us to the other side?
Tasks viewed from a distance may not appear as large or as daunting as they do once they come upon us. Once the time is up and the date is at hand, we can panic. Are we really ready? Have we done enough to prepare for the big jobs looming on the horizon? Can we do this?
It helps to have those in our lives who believe in us.
Those who give us a challenge then help us rise to it.
They teach us, "You can do this. You've done it before. Do not be afraid."
Stitch-by-loving -- or painstaking -- stitch, we tackle the big job.
Step by step we teach ourselves that we can do hard things.

I think of this as the soundtrack of life --the tapes that play inside the heart and mind encouraging us along the way. This score helps us overcome the fears that threaten to weaken our resolve when we face big challenges as well as unexpected interruptions to our plans.
What plays when our mind is idling? What is the music our hearts remember?
Green Converse shoes remind me of the example of one who keeps pushing himself beyond what he is able to accomplish easily and into that zone of discomfort time and time again. He may not know how much I admire his tenacity, his sure-footedness, his ability to live standing on the Promises of God.
I must be sure he knows.
I have seen his gifts offered as a blessing in service to God and others, and I give thanks for all the times he did not stop when it was hard. When he did not give up when the task seemed impossible. When he must have thought he was out of time and talent. Spent. Used up.
And yet, he persevered.
Because, when we come to the end of our rope, God is able. His resources are without number, and his tanks are never empty. He is our All is All.
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all....
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”—2 Corinthians 9:8
And even if you do not have one who has played a melody of courage, fortitude, love and grace in your life, you and I have a Heavenly Father who still speaks to our hearts: You are my beloved. I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly. Come unto me and I will give you rest. Cast your cares upon me.
At all times.
Having all that you need....
love this post and those green shoes :)