"I Can Do It All By Myself!"
Little Will and Uncle TomThis photo captures something for me: From the child's point of view, he is sitting high in the seat, driving the tractor solo. And yet, unseen, there is the roll bar high above him and the strong arms of someone who loves him enough to let him experience the thrill of doing it all himself. Never mind that someone else powers the tractor, and has set the gearing, and is ready to offer help if needed, the child thinks he is all on his own.
How like each of us this can be in a way: All too often unaware of a loving Heavenly Father who is closer than our next breath, we sit, figuratively, within the wide embrace of One who blesses us with opportunities and life experiences. This One offers guidance and longs to protect us from the consequences of our own choices, yet we have the wheel and are free to choose.
Life is what it is largely because of the choices we make along the way.
May they be wise ones today.
May we desire to experience the Presence of God close to us.
Love both today's and Monday's posts! Thanks!