There's no denying it - we know we are different. The rest of the country always thought so too, but we did not know why until now. I read it in the paper: It's all about the funeral response.
"It comes from a spontaneous response and subconscious call to arms that is buried deep within the Southern woman’s DNA. It is a single strand of genetic code that, when isolated and deciphered, uncovers a lengthy and complicated mathematic equation..."The writer suggests it is this programming that enables the Alpha Funeral Female to move into action with precision, guiding the ranks of troops to action, and maintaining the starch -to- entree-to-desserts ratio at acceptable levels.
But don't take my word for it. Read the author himself, a colorful and celebrated writer about food and all things southern. Find Robert St. John's column at http://robertstjohn.com/2010/11/01/funeral-genes/.
And - because no funeral food article would be complete without it - it comes with its own recipe for potato salad, the time-honored accompaniment to the ubiquitous funeral ham. (Is it any wonder we are killing ourselves?)
photo above is labeled 'grief food' - you gotta love it - and among listings for resources such as Being Dead's No Excuse, The Official Southern Ladies' Guide for Hosting the Perfect Funeral a clever look at our own traditions and quirks.
look at that spread!! i'm drooling just thinking about being in Jackson for the holidays :)