God is so good and His mercy endures forever. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.Mary's handwritten words accompanying this watercolor in rich browns and blues were among the blessings in my day yesterday. The beautiful painting was a gift from my friend since first grade. Reproduced here after scanning and copying, the colors and shading are not accurate, but I wanted to share this image.
Mary, though bound by the crippling effects of rheumatoid arthritis, displays an artistry and fine coordination that defies her hands' limitations. People are surprised she can write, and to see Mary paint is astonishing. Maybe her spirit of gratitude and joy for the presence of the Lord in her life tempers the pain of her disease just a bit, making it bearable 'for the glory of God'. She lives to make Him known and to share the love of Jesus with all. I am learning much through my friends, and Mary is a great example of perseverance and faithfulness.
I have a dream of helping Mary share her paintings and her faith. I am contemplating this idea....
Psalm 57:10 was the inspiration for her the one pictured here:
"For Your Mercy reaches unto the heavens and Your truth unto the clouds. "
For the ancient writers, such a distance was unfathomable. The psalm gave voice to their conviction that as far as one can see, God's mercy and truth are higher still! Thanks be to God.
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