Friday, October 8, 2010

I will give of myself

I wrote the following thoughts five years ago. I do not remember doing so. In fact, when my computer crashed, this fragment was stashed among collected word documents saved in a large file, sort of a digital junk drawer. I just opened it. Perhaps sifting through these old thoughts is an exercise akin to finding a familiar item in grandmother's attic: It means something to me, but will be foolishness to others. Though it is far from a treasure, it was penned at a time that I began to sense a calling to write....something.

I reprint it here as an ebenezer of sorts - marking a place to say I am encountering God in this place as I seek to learn and grow in faith. I see now that these lines still have meaning and direction for me as I am half-way into another decade. Perhaps you will write your own simple expressions that guide your days.

I will give of myself, my time, and my resources to others who are in need.

I will remember the powerful example of my father - how he loves his family dearly and provides for their needs, both physically and emotionally, and cares for a broader family that includes thousands by now.

I will honor the example of my mother and seek to serve my family with love, strength, faithfulness and generosity, and to improve the conditions in my community for others.

I will reflect Christ's love by responding with compassion to others whose lives intersect mine.

I will remain faithful to my husband, my family, and my commitments, upholding them with honesty and truthfulness in my speech and actions.

I will leave a legacy of faithfulness to my children.

I will seek to discover more about God's presence in my life and grow in faith.

I will try to appreciate the gift of freedom we enjoy and to preserve it for others. I am learning to recognize it as more precious than I had previously thought.

I will endeavor to give love to my family and others in a way that is not based on their performance.

I will remain 'passionate about compassion', choosing to see it as a gift to use for the service of others.

I will learn more about love in this world. I want to learn to 'love as God loves', and that means everyone, without condition or merit, without weighing the opportunity for repayment. John 3:16 was the first Bible verse I learned as a child. Jesus loves the 'whosoevers'. I should too.

I will seek to discover God's will for my life and see how to best use my talents and abilities and experiences.

Mpw 9/11/2005


  1. thank you again for writing. i have printed this post to keep with me!

    p.s. love the pics down the side of the page!

  2. I look forward to seeing what you will write every day!!!! Thank you for your example.
